La Mesa Shadow hill Ghost Spirit Haunt

[ User Submitted ] My buddies and I used to drink up on this hill till the early morning, we encountered a white lady one night. She looked like a regular person up close. She came up to us out of nowhere, asking for a cig and a drink. She told us about living on the hill in a tent for 3 years. She insisted we follow her to her tent, out of curiosity we followed her. We couldn’t keep up with her she walked too fast, and as she got further away she started to turn white translucent, we stopped as she just disappeared, into a clearing. after deliberation we decided to see if we could find her. We ended up finding the remnants of a tent but nothing suggesting any person could live in it. I’m pretty sure she was a ghost from the 40’s-50’s.
I know where Mt.Helix, and normal street is?…I went to the Adult Education class at Mt.Helix High School a couple years ago, but I never heard of any places in La Mesa actually being haunted, ive seen a ghost a job corps @ 3 in the morn, a nun looking nurse lady checking my pulse to see if i was dead or alive or something, but if you believe in the living dead you would understand how i feel, I would like to investigate Shadow Hill Since i live in the area, ive been homeless before and stayed in a haunted park off of 6th st, downtown san diego, Where there was a double homicide/suicede,…a few homeless people in the park told me that the event happend about 20/30 years ago.
If you think she was the 40’s/50’s, yeah she probably had easy access to camp in the area, beacuase i googled one of th houses built there By Highwood park and there being a boys and girls club,…those houses were just built in the 70’s,…so she probably died from a drug overdose, during the begining of the hippy age or something…
Sharon, one of the founding members of San Diego Ghost Hunters, told Mount Helix Patch of her three different encounters with an apparition, two of which occurred on the mountain. On Oct. 29, she was joined by fellow Ghost Hunters Maritza Skandunas, Colleen Rose and Dawn Gaudette (Sharon’s sister) as the team led a small group of Mount Helix Park Foundation employees on a real-life search for this mysterious figure from the other world