The Julia Liffreing House Ghost Haunt- Hillsdale Ranch Clubhouse El Cajon Ca Ghost Haunt
PLEASE READ: The Julia Liffreing House was investigated for paranormal activities before it was moved, renovated, and designated the Club house for Hillsdale Ranch, a GATED community. No Further reports of paranormal activity have been made public.

History of the Liffreing House- ( The following three excerpts were written by 2009 First Place Perpetual Essay Award winner Bianca Paturzo, of Vista Grande School the complete essay can be found online at )
Julia was born in New York in 1823. While living in New York Julia gave birth to two daughters, Julia and Maria Ulrich. After the birth of her second child, Julia moved to St. Louis, Missouri. Around the time she moved to Missouri Julia married Victor Liffreing. Victor was born in Germany about 1811 and in 1841 he came to the United Sates from France. In Missouri, Victor and Julia decided to go into the farming business. 1853 Victor and Julia’s first child, Josephine, was born. In 1892 Julia decided to make a trip to San Diego. She was a widow by then. In December 1892 she bought sixty acres of land from Uri Hill, who was one of the biggest farmers in the El Cajon Valley. In February 1893 Julia bought one hundred twenty more acres from Mr. Hill. She bought the land with the plan for her family to become citrus growers. In 1893 Julia had a Queen Anne style house built on the high hill on her farm. The house was designed by San Diego architect John B. Stannard and cost $3,500.00 to build the house. -In 1919 Julia died at her farmhouse. She was 96 years old.
In 1988 Walter Enterprises, an archaeological group, excavated the area next to the farmhouse. They found 111 artifacts from the time the Liffreing family lived there. They found kitchen and household items made of glass and ceramics. The artifacts showed that the Liffreings were a wealthy family. In June 1989 several historical groups filed a request to make the farmhouse a historical site. On April 3, 1991, the request was approved. By 2001 the developer Shea Homes bought the farm so they could build homes and they began restoring the farmhouse. In June 2003 the artifacts found on the property were given to the San Diego Archaeological Center in Escondido, CA. The restoration of the farmhouse was finished in July 2003.
In 2009, Author Bianca Paturzo, interviewed San Diego Ghost Hunters founder Maritza Skandunaz who confirmed that her team of paranormal investigators did an investigation of the farmhouse in July 2007. The results were positive and her team plan another investigation in the near future.
I spent a great deal of time in that house during High School at Valhalla from 1996-1999, I would go there at all hours of the night because I thought it was such a cool, quiet place to hang out at night. I can assure you, the only thing haunting that place was myself, and the occasional group of teenagers who would smoke pot.
Phil Kennedy??
What is the address of the Liffreing house?
Was the house at 1 time across hamacha on the other side? When I was in high-school, we would drive out late at night and go inside it was dark, run down a d very scary. But it was on the opposite side of jacha. I thought
We called it the psycho house from Hitchcock film