Haunted Heber College Heber The old school house Ghost


Old Heber school house ghost haunt
Old Heber school house ghost haunt

Haunted Heber College Heber The old school house Ghost
Originally located on Lot 2 block 17 , or (legal description) Townside Heber, 48th parcel, Section 16 south, 14 east – particle 42. Geographical coordinates 32.730965,-115.527216. Heber College opened her doors to classes in November of 1910. After only 44 years, she ceased operations as a college 1950. Between 1950 and 1954 the school was used as a grammer school. Heber College, The old schoolhouse, now layed abandoned, gutted, covered in graffiti and encircled by a chain-link fence in a field on the north side of Heber. Portia Thompson, the woman who bought the defunct school and donated it to the Imperial County Historical Society, “regularly reported seeing the ghost of a young woman in the building.” Ben and Portia in the 1970’s, The story came from the seances held there, There where two sisters Jessica and Maria that were teachers at the school,Jessica is the one that they had contact with,it was told she drowned her twin boys in the irrigation ditch which ran along side of the property, accidently spooked the horse Maria was riding and she fell against the big tree in front of the house and hit her head and died,( I remember a painting in the attic of a woman lying on a table surrounded by candles,that was supposed to have been Maria) and Maria’s boyfriend supposedly was buried under the stairs by the stage. I was told the house was used to school young children before it was a college.”Since she couldn’t make the ghost move out, Thompson gave away the building and moved to Morongo Valley,”.
11 years ago 2001, Jose Luis Perdomo, 17, a junior in 2004 at Southwest High School, investigated the cause of this spirit-riddled school house. After interviewing locals who attended the school and witnesses who claim to have seen a ghostly figure of a woman staring out one of the hollowed windows. Jose said he’s talked to locals who work at the plant next to the school and a few said while working the night shift they saw a sad-looking woman staring out the window at the school.
Others have claimed to hear a baby crying when no baby was around. Jose, who has spent some time in and around the building, said he’s never seen a ghost but he has heard the sounds of children playing and inside near the old stage he heard footsteps on the staircase. The building was moved, piece by piece, to the Pioneers’ Museum near Imperial Valley College. As of October 11, 2011 the old school house is in a state of renovation as per caretakers @ http://www.imperial.edu/~pioneers/ the final resting place for the Old school house. [Source – ImperialValleypress, and PIONEERS MUSEUM & CULTURAL CENTER OF THE IMPERIAL VALLEY].

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