DIY Ovilus Style Word Database


Diy Ovilus style word database. I wrote about the original Ovilus device created by Bill Chappel many years ago and have not revisited the subject despite newer versions on the market.

Now, much of what I am about to say is purely speculation. From an electronics enthusiast’s point of view, I can explain how I would build an Ovilus-style device but without stripping one apart It is the best guess interpretation. What I do know for sure is that I can build a word database that displays and speaks words when changes occur in temperature and magnetic waves.

My build is based heavily on a Halloween project created on GitHub by Kevin Loeffler. Kevin did a great job and his device mirrored the original speakjet project created by Bill Chappel. The speakjet project was the predecessor to the Ovilus. Here is the link to Kevin’s GitHub. There were some code issues and files missing from Kevin’s build. Additionally, his build lacked a way to visibly see the words spoken. I have corrected the issues and packaged them into a downloadable zip file. Refer back to Kevin’s GitHub for parts and an easy breadboard diagram.

diy ovilus style word database
diy ovilus style word database circuit board